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Thomas Harding Junior School

Achievement Through Aspiration

Year 6

Meet the Teacher 2024

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We have two classes in Year 6: 

In 6C, the children will be taught by Mrs Chahal 

In 6S, the children will be taught by Miss Smith.

Mrs Roopra will teach 6C every Tuesday and Mrs Ruddell will teach 6S every Tuesday afternoon. 

We will be supported in our learning by our Learning Support Assistant, Mrs Ship.


Spring Term 2025





Our focus this term is Fractions, Decimals and Percentages and then we will also cover shorter units on Algebra, Ratio, Area, Perimeter, Volume and Statistics. We will also be focussing on how to answer reasoning and problem-solving questions weekly. Twice a week we will complete a Terrific Times Tables quiz to help our quick recall of our times tables.


This term, Year 6 will be continuing their learning about life during WW2. We will be reading Goodnight Mr Tom and using the text to produce a variety of writing outcomes such as: description, diary entry and a persuasive letter.

Using an exciting range of texts, we will continue to develop our love for reading. We will be reading various extracts daily in our Whole Class Reading sessions and applying our reading skills and strategies to infer, predict and retrieve information.



At home, children should read for a minimum of 20 minutes each day. They should complete their Reading Journals to show that they have read.



We will be continuing with our History topic – WW2 and will learn about evacuation, the role of women during the war and propaganda. Our History unit and English are closely linked and children will be completely immersed in the topic.


STEM (Science)

This term in Science we will be learning about the Circulatory System. Children will identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system, and describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood. They will be able to recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies function and describe the ways in which nutrients and water are transported within animals, including humans.



Monday and Tuesday

Children should have their full kit and trainers in school for these lessons but also throughout the week as well.



Our computing unit will begin with a lesson on E-Safety. This unit explores the concept of variables in programming through games in Scratch. First, pupils will learn what variables are, and relate them to real-world examples of values that can be set and changed. Pupils will then use variables to create a simulation of a scoreboard. They will experiment with variables in an existing project, then modify them, then they will create their own project. Pupils will apply their knowledge of variables and design to improve their game in Scratch.



Our second unit of French will be all about ‘School’. Throughout the unit, children will learn ways in which schools in Britain are similar or different to those in France. They will name a variety of school subjects, recognising cognates and know how the se can help them to learn unfamiliar words. Children will express their opinion on subjects and give reasons for their opinions using parce que. They will write complex sentences using a model.



This term the focus for PSHE will be on: Feelings and Emotions, Healthy Relationships and Valuing Differences. Children will discuss confidentiality and when to break a confidence. They will also look at different types of relationships; positive and healthy relationships; personal boundaries and the right to privacy. We will discuss what makes people the same or different; recognising and challenging stereotypes; discrimination and bullying.



Reading comprehension will be set each week for Year 6. This will go out on a Tuesday and will be due in the following Monday. Please see the Homework page on details for the whole school homework schedule.

