Year 6
Meet the Teacher
We have two classes in Year 6:
In 6C, the children will be taught by Mrs Chahal
In 6S, the children will be taught by Miss Smith.
Mrs Robinson will be teaching 6C every Tuesday.
We will be supported in our learning by our Learning Support Assistants who are: Mrs Scott and Mrs Ship.
Autumn Term 2024
Our focus this term is number and place value and then we will move on to the four operations. We will also be revisiting and building on our fraction knowledge. Twice a week we will complete a Terrific Times Tables quiz to help our quick recall of our times tables. There is also a big focus on arithmetic skills and reasoning which will take place every lesson.
This term, Year 6 will be studying a short spooky story animation and will have a go at writing a narrative story filled with suspense and tension. We will look carefully at how good word choices can have a powerful impact on the reader.
After half term, we will begin our WW2 topic. We will be learning all about the Blitz and the effects this had on London and the rest of the UK. Using this knowledge, we will then be writing a non-chronological report.
Milestones Museum - A Living History session designed to immerse students in the lives of people on the British Home Front during World War II.
Using an exciting range of texts, we will continue to develop our love for reading. At home, children should read for a minimum of 20 minutes each day. They complete their Reading Journals with a book review with comments linked to the reading skills (VIPERS). Reading Records will be checked by class teachers regularly.
In year 6 we will be looking at climate change and human impact on the world. This topic will allow pupils to understand the main resources we rely on in the UK and how it needs to change for future generations. Throughout this unit pupils will be able to reflect and build on prior geographical knowledge gained in previous year groups.
After half term, we will be starting our History topic – WW2. We will be learning about the Blitz and the impact on people and the local area.
During the Autumn Term, year 6 will be consolidating their learning on Electricity and Light. We will learn more about circuits and compare and give reasons for variations in how components function, including the brightness of bulbs, the loudness of buzzers and the on/off position of switches. Children will use recognised symbols when representing a simple circuit in a diagram and have opportunities to plan different types of scientific enquiries to answer questions, including recognising and controlling variables where necessary.
Monday and Thursday
Children should have their full kit and trainers in school for these lessons but also throughout the week as well.
Our computing unit will begin with a lesson on E-Safety, this time looking at media balance and clickbait. We will then learn how to handle data using excel, and link our geography work to these skills, using excel to record and analyse data.
Our first unit of French will be all about presenting information about yourself. Children will revisit and revise words and phrases that they have learned throughout years 3, 4 and 5, and will bring their learning together to write a short presentation about themselves in French.
This term the focus for PSHE will be on ‘Healthy Lifestyles’ and ‘Keeping Safe’; children will learn about imagery in the media, focus on setting high aspirations for themselves, think about managing risk to keep safe, learn to understand the effects of peer pressure and think about ways to ensure they can keep themselves and others safe.
Homework will follow the whole school schedule which includes: My Maths, Spelling Shed, sentences and reading. There may be additional homework in Y6 such as reading comprehensions and arithmetic practice– when this is the case, children will not be required to complete the other tasks.