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Thomas Harding Junior School

Achievement Through Aspiration

Transition/New Intake 2024-2025


Transition to Key Stage 2 


The transition from KS1 to KS2 is a significant step for children and parents. In addition to the physical move from infant to junior school, there will be different expectations, new routines, new skills and experiences. At KS2 learning may also ‘look’ and ‘feel’ different. Whilst this may have its challenges, our Year 3 team are here to ensure the transition is made as smoothly as possible but a helping hand at home can make the transition much easier for your child. At Thomas Harding, we work hard to ensure that the child and their family are at the centre of all that we do in school. We aspire highly for your child and as always, we will work tirelessly to support you and your child in the transition to our school. We are so looking forward to meeting you!






Transition Documents
