Sports Premium
Sports Premium Funding Information
Primary schools receive specific government funding called the 'PE and Sport Premium'. The funding aims to help improve the quality of PE teaching and sports opportunities in primary schools.
What we receive:
Schools receive a set payment, plus an additional £10 per pupil (in years 1 to 6).
Thomas Harding had an allocation for 23/24 of £18,260.
What the funding is for:
Schools are free to spend the Sport Premium as they see fit. However, we must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE, physical activity and sport we offer.
How we have spent the funding:
As a school we are accountable for how we will use this additional funding. Schools are required to publish online information regarding how they have used the premium and the impact it has made. We are very proud of our PE and sports provision at Thomas Harding.
Miss Thornhill.
PE Leader