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Thomas Harding Junior School

Achievement Through Aspiration

Year 4



We have two classes in Year 4:  In 4F, the children will be taught by Miss Fallan and in 4J, the children will be taught by Mr Johal.

We will be supported in our learning by our Learning Support Assistants who are: Mrs Little and Mrs Kashif.


Autumn Term 2023





Our focus this term is place value, and then we will move on to Addition and subtraction. In the second half of the term, we will be focusing on area, and then multiplication and division. Every week we will complete 2 Terrific Times Table tests. It is expected that by the end of Year 4, almost all children can recall times tables facts to 12 x 12.  

This term our focus is a non- fiction biography about Boudicca with a purpose to inform the audience.  We will look at a range of biographies to support us. We will draw on the features, vocabulary and sentence structure, as well as learning to write in a chronological order. 
During the second half term we will be focusing on a non-chronological report based on London, with the purpose to inform the audience. We will be looking at non- chronological reports to support us. We will draw on the features, vocabulary and sentence structure, as well as learning to independently research for our writing. 

Our whole class novel for this half term is ‘The boy in the girl’s bathroom’ and in the second half of the term we will be reading a range of classic novels.

Using an exciting range of texts, we will continue to develop our love for reading. At home, children should read for a minimum of 10 minutes each day. They should fill in 2 comments in their reading records to show that they have read. Parents/Carers should sign the reading record once a week. 

This term our topic is the Roman Empire. We will be looking at who they were, how their empire expanded and their invasion and lasting legacy on Britain. We have the focus of looking at significant people.




This term our topic is a study on the geography of Rome compared to London. We will be focusing on the similarities and difference in human and physical features of Rome and London. 


STEM (Science) 

In science this term we will learn about animals including humans and in the second half of term we will be covering sound. We will build on our scientific enquiry skills through practical investigations.  




In Art this half term, we will be focusing on sculpture, creating Roman artifacts from clay. We will be drawing on examples of real-life Roman artefacts. During art lessons, we will be learning different ways of manipulating the clay and using the tools to make the shapes needed.




In design and technology this term, the children will be looking at healthy and varied diets. The children will learn about a healthy, balanced diet and food hygiene, and will get the opportunity to evaluate foods, design a healthy sandwich and evaluate their product.




In RE, we will be learning about the Natural World. We will be looking at how Christians, Muslims and Hindus believe the world was created, as well as looking into what scientists have uncovered. The children also will also be looking at what their responsibilities are towards the natural world.




In PSHE this term we will be focusing on our ‘Healthy Lifestyles and Growing and Changing.  During this topic, we will learning ways to support and nurture a healthy lifestyle for our physical and emotional well-being.  

We will also be finding out how to keep safe in both real and virtual environments. 



This term in Music we will be looking at the language of music through playing the glockenspiel. The learning is focussed around exploring and developing playing skills through the glockenspiel.



In French, we will be looking at key language. We will specifically focus on language needed to introduce themselves and recognising and saying the numbers to 20, the days of the week and months of the year.




In our computing lessons this term the children will be exploring the concept of repetition in programming, with the end project being designing and creating a game which uses repetition.



This term in PE we will be learning about handball and outdoor adventures activities, with a focus on communication and tactics; and in the second half of term, we will learning about hockey and gymnastics, with a focus on bridges. The children will be improving their skills in communication and strategies, as well as movement and body-awareness. 

Please ensure your child comes to school with the correct PE kit. This includes both black plimsolls (for indoor P.E) and black trainers (for outdoor P.E) in their PE bags. PE kits will be sent home every week to be washed. All jewellery must be removed prior to the PE lesson. Children are responsible for removing their own earrings, if they are not able to do this, surgical tape must be provided, and the children will need to cover their own piercings.  
PE is on a Tuesday and Wednesday. 

All homework will be set on a Tuesday and will be due in the following Monday.
The homework timetable for Year 4 is as follows: 
•    Daily reading for a minimum of 20 minutes, 5 times a week. 
•    The reading journals will be checked on Monday. The children should reflect on their reading experiences by recording their thoughts, summarising key events, and expressing their personal opinions.
•    Spellings will be set on Spelling Shed. We will check spelling throughout the lessons.
•    My Maths homework will be set and is to be completed by the following Monday.
•    Weekly sentence work- All children will complete at least 6 sentences per week (3 of each sentence type).



