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Thomas Harding Junior School

Achievement Through Aspiration

Year 4



We have two classes in Year 4:  In 4J, the children will be taught by Mr Johal and in 4K, the children will be taught by Mrs Kuschel.

We will be supported in our learning by our Learning Support Assistants who are: Miss Mckiernon. 


Autumn Term 2024





This term will be working on the following areas (including a range of problem solving and reasoning activities).

Place value: reading, writing and comparing numbers up to 10,000 and working with Roman numerals.

Addition and Subtraction: working on a range of mental and written strategies to add and subtract numbers with more than 3 digits. Solving multi-step word problems and using the inverse operation.

Multiplication and division: looking at the relationships between times tables including division facts along with multiplying 3-digits and multiplying and dividing by 1 and 0.

Area: looking at what area is and counting squares to find the area of a shape.


Children will continue to work on their Terrific Times Tables to help the quick recall of times tables. All children have their login details and can access TTRS from home.


The first half of the Autumn term will focus on writing to inform. The children will read and study a range of non-chronological reports, looking at the features to use when writing their non-chronological report about London.


Later in the term, we will then be focusing on writing to entertain. Our text will be The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis.


Spelling patterns taught over the week will be incorporated into writing as will sentence structures which are provided as home learning tasks.




During our Whole Class Reading sessions, we will be reading interesting extracts from challenging texts and applying our reading skills and strategies to infer, predict and retrieve information.


At home, children should read for a minimum of 20 minutes at least 5 times a week. They should fill in their reading records to show that they have read. Reading Records will be checked once a week.



After experimenting with a wide range of tools, consistencies and surfaces for painting we will studying the work of various artists throughout the unit. We will be looking at mixing paint and creating colour, exploring backgrounds and foregrounds before applying these skills to our own piece of artwork. 



Europe: in this unit we will study the physical and human geographical features of Italy with a focus on Rome and how those compare to features of the UK using topical vocabulary. We will be using a range of tools including atlases and Digimaps to carry out our research.



The first half term will be looking at Glockenspiels, building on our learning from last year, playing songs and accompaniments using instruments as well as writing new scores using our knowledge.




In the second half of the term, we will begin our history topic which will focus on the Romans and their invasion of Britain, this will continue into the Spring Term. During the topic we will identify the chronology, explore how artefacts can teach us about their way of life and find out about Roman invasions and settlements. We will also identify the legacy of the settlers on Great Britain today.



STEM (Science)

We will start the year looking at animals including humans, the topic will cover how the human digestive system works, the different jobs the teeth do and begin to look at food chains. During the second half term, we will be investigating sound, how it is made, how we hear sounds through different materials, finding patterns between pitch and volume,



In our computing lessons this term we will have the opportunity to look at repetition in games, we will explore the concept of repetition in programming using the Scratch environment. Looking at the difference between count-controlled and infinite loops and use our knowledge to modify existing animations and games using repetition. The final project is to design and create a game which uses repetition, applying stages of programming design throughout. E-safety will be covered in our PSHE lessons.



This term we will be designing, creating and evaluating a healthy, tasty sandwich for a class picnic. This is linked to our history, science and PSHE topics.



In PSHE this term we will be focusing on our ‘Healthy Lifestyles and Growing and Changing’ during this topic we will learning ways to support and nurture a healthy lifestyle for our physical and emotion well-being.

We will also be finding out how to keep safe in both real and virtual environments.



In RE we will be learning about the natural role with the focus on what do different religions and world views (including science) say about the origins of the universe? What is the purpose of life, and does it matter how we treat the natural world? This unit is focussed on Christianity, Islam and Hinduism.



In French we will be building on our learning from Year 3 of key language to help us introduce ourselves and others, as well as learning the numbers up to 20, days of the week and months of the year.




Monday and Friday 

This term our PE units are:

Handball, hockey, OAA (communication and tactics) and Gymnastics.

Children should come into school on the PE days wearing their full kit and correct trainers.  All jewellery must be removed prior to the PE lesson. Children are responsible for removing their own earrings, if they are not able to do this, surgical tape must be provided, and the children will need to cover their own piercings.



Homework will follow the whole school schedule which includes: My Maths, Spelling Shed, sentences, reading and multiplication practice. The homework timetable for Year 4 is as follows: 


Art of Sentence types set on a Tuesday and returned every Monday

Spellings set on Monday, tasks to be completed on EdShed

MyMaths set on Tuesday completed for the following Monday.




