Computing Vision.mp4

Computing Intent
Thomas Harding Junior School deliver a high-quality computing education which allows pupils to become digitally literate; able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world. We are dedicated to provide all pupils with skills and knowledge that empower pupils to use computational thinking and creativity.
Our aim is to equip pupils to be:
- Digital citizens – who are safe and responsible
- Digital investigators – who can develop ideas, making links with different aspects of their learning
- Digital communicators – who are digitally literate and can collaborate and share their work with others
- Digital creators – who are logical and creative.
The curriculum is broken down into 5 different categories: E-Safety, Programming, Multimedia, Technology in Our Lives and Data Handling. Skills and knowledge are built upon each year and pupils are given opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills in different subjects, deepening learning. Using a variety of IT facilities, pupils are able to develop their skills in engaging ways across the curriculum.