Pupil Leaders
Head Boy and Head Girl
At Thomas Harding Junior School, our Head Boy and Head Girl serve as role models, representing the student body and promoting the values of our school. They take on key leadership responsibilities, including supporting school events, mentoring younger students, and assisting with school initiatives.
Head Boy - Moksh
Deputy Head Boy - Theo
Head Girl - Eve
Deputy Head Girl - Esme
House and Sports Captains
The House and Sports Captains are Year 6 pupils who have been selected by their peers, through a democratic vote, in order to lead their houses to victory! These responsibilities are more than just a title and badge; they require dedication and commitment for an entire year. The children take part in active citizenship whereby they lead a series of events throughout the school.
Characteristics of House and Sports Captains:
- Live and breathe our ASPIRE values
- Organised and committed
- Confident speakers
- Well-presented in uniform and appearance
- Able to liaise and converse with staff, pupils, parents and the wider community
- Act responsibly and to be a role model for other pupils
- Be caring, mature and honest
We expect our Captains:
- To be a positive role model and ambassador for the school, demonstrating the ASPIRE values
- To be enthusiastic and committed to the house system
- To be friendly and positive with all pupils, particularly within your house.
- To be part of the team of House and Sports Captains who work together to achieve success for all.
House Captains 2024-2025
Chess: Lauren and Maya
Misbourne: Martha and Loylom
Wye: Elizabeth and Emmet
Sports Captains 2024-2025
Chess: Matthew and Ziggy
Misbourne: Ethan and Mason
Wye: Pranav and Matthew C
At Thomas Harding Junior School, our prefects play a vital role in supporting both students and staff. They help maintain a positive and respectful school environment by setting an example through their behavior, attitude, and commitment. Prefects assist with the smooth running of school events, help younger students during break times, and promote our school values throughout daily activities. Their leadership and sense of responsibility make them valuable contributors to our school community.