Year 5
Meet the Teacher- Year 5
Welcome to Year 5!
We have two classes in Year 5:
In 5CA, the children are taught by Mrs Collins and Miss Arnott. In 5B, the children are taught by Miss Bath.
We will be supported in our learning by our Learning Support Assistants who are: Mrs Kashif and Mrs Bennett (HLTA).
Autumn Term 2024
This term will be working on the following areas (including a range of problem solving and reasoning activities).
Place value: reading, writing and comparing numbers up to 1,000,000 and working with Roman numerals.
Addition and Subtraction: working on a range of mental and written strategies to add and subtract numbers with more than four digits. Solving multi-step word problems and using the inverse operation.
Multiplication and division: Finding factors, multiples, prime numbers, square numbers and cube numbers. Multiplying and dividing whole and decimal numbers by 10, 100 and 1000.
Fractions: identifying unit and non-unit fractions, finding equivalent fractions and adding, subtracting and comparing fractions and mixed numbers.
Children will continue to work on their Terrific Times Tables to help the quick recall of times tables. All children have their login details and can access TTRS from home.
The first half of the Autumn term will focus on writing to entertain. The children will base their work on the tale of ‘Fox’ by Margaret Wild and Ron Brooks. Spelling patterns taught over the week will be incorporated into writing as will sentence structures which are provided as home learning tasks.
Later in the term, we will then be focusing on information text writing. Creating our own factual piece using the specific features and organisational skills. The children will be exposed to a variety of texts to support the teaching of this genre.
During our Whole Class Reading sessions, we will be reading interesting extracts from challenging texts and applying our reading skills and strategies to infer, predict and retrieve information.
At home, children should read for a minimum of 20 minutes at least 5 times a week. They should fill in their reading record once they have completed reading a book. This can be set out like a book review using the VIPERS skills to support their piece. Once finished, this can be brought into school to show an adult.
After studying collages produced by a range of artists, we will focus on ideas drawn from the work by Deborah Roberts. This will inform our own plans, designs and collages. We will create and arrange accurate patterns by precisely cutting, manipulating and combining a range of mixed media.
Mountains: in this unit we will study the features of a mountain, how they have been created and learn the key geographic vocabulary to describe these. We will locate mountains on world maps using an atlas. We will then move on to looking at the various forms, how they change over time and the ways in which they are used.
The first half term will be looking at ‘Living on a Prayer’ by Bon Jovi and learning the song and playing accompaniments using instruments and improvising writing a new verse.
This term we will begin our History topic which will focus on the Vikings, this will continue into the Spring Term. During the topic we will identify the chronology, explore how artefacts can teach us about their way of life and find out about settlements and invasions. We will also identify the legacy of the settlers on Great Britain today.
STEM (Science)
We will start the year looking at living things and their habitats where we will start with a focus around plants and the way they reproduce. After that, we will then look at comparing the life cycles of different animal groups and identify patterns within these. During the second half term, we will be looking at materials and their properties learning about changing states, separation and reversible changes and irreversible changes.
In our computing lessons this term we will have the opportunity to create short videos and develop our skills of capturing, editing, and manipulating video. Alongside this, we will be teaching the termly topic of E-Safety ensuring the children know how to keep safe online.
This term we will be designing, creating and evaluating a new, usable item using recycled materials.
In PSHE this term we will be focusing on our ‘Healthy Lifestyles and Growing and Changing’ during this topic we will learning ways to support and nurture a healthy lifestyle for our physical and emotion well-being.
We will also be finding out how to keep safe in both real and virtual environments.
In RE we will be learning about Symbolism in different faiths. We will be looking at the symbolism of light and dark across Hinduism, Judaism and Christianity.
In French we will be learning key language to help us introduce ourselves and others, learning the numbers up to 100 and reading and writing the date / key dates in French.
Tuesday and Wednesday
This term our PE units are: Orienteering, Tag Rugby, Football and Gymnastics.
Children should come into school on the PE days wearing their full kit and correct trainers. All jewellery must be removed prior to the PE lesson. Children are responsible for removing their own earrings (preferably before school), if they are not able to do this, surgical tape must be provided, and the children will need to cover their own piercings.
5B will be swimming on a Wednesday afternoons.
Homework will follow the whole school schedule which includes: My Maths, Spelling Shed, sentences, reading and multiplication practice.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Sentence types set and returned every Monday
Reading (20mins) | Mymaths homework set and returned the following Monday
Reading (20mins) |
Reading (20mins) |
Reading (20mins) | New spellings set on EdShed. Tasks will need to be completed for the following Friday.
Reading (20mins) |
In addition to this TimesTables Rockstars should be completed at home. When children have read a book and completed an entry in their Reading Records, these should be given in to the class teacher. A variety of reading based tasks are featured in the children’s reading records. There is also an optional Tic-Tac-Toe grid should children wish to complete some additional assignments this term. |