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Thomas Harding Junior School

Achievement Through Aspiration

Year 5

We have two classes in Year 5:  

In 5CR, the children are taught by Mrs Collins and Mrs Robinson.  

In 5T, the children are taught by Miss Thornhill and Miss Bath 

We will be supported in our learning by our Learning Support Assistants who are:  Mrs Popa and Mrs Watson. 


Summer Term 2024 





This term will be working on the following areas:  

Shape: Measuring, estimating and drawing angles 

Position and direction: reading coordinates, plotting and translating shapes 

Decimal Numbers: adding and subtracting decimals  

Negative numbers: comparing, ordering and finding differences  

Converting units: working with different units of measurement 

Volume: comparing and estimating volume and capacity 


Children will continue to work on their Terrific Times Tables to help the quick recall of times tables. All children have their login details and can access TTRS from home. A weekly maths home learning task will also be assigned to reinforce lessons taught in school.  

This term, Year 5 will be learning how to write to discuss and inform, using an exciting range of texts to inspire us. During the first half term, we will be writing a balanced argument where we give our audience the arguments for and against and then let them make up their own mind which side they are on. During the second half term, we will be writing to inform, using our history topic ‘Ancient Greece’ as a stimulus.  



During our Whole Class Reading sessions, we will be reading interesting extracts from challenging texts and applying our reading skills and strategies to infer, predict and retrieve information. 


At home, children should read for a minimum of 20 minutes at least 5 times a week. They should fill in their reading records once a book has been read.  Children will complete a book review or recommendation about their finished book and they can submit this to their class teacher at any time.  




This term our History topic will focus on the Ancient Greeks. During the topic we will identify the chronology of the Ancient Greeks, explore how artefacts can teach us about their way of life and find out about the differences between Athenians and Spartans (in particular, the lives of women originating from these places). We will also learn about some prominent Ancient Greek figures and the impact of these people during that time and beyond.  



This term in Science we will be learning about Forces and completing lots of exciting experiments! We will begin by learning about the force of gravity. We will then identify the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction, that act between moving surfaces. We will also be looking at how mechanisms can alter the effects of forces.  


We will also be learning about Animals, including humans, where we will be learning how to describe the changes as humans develop to old age.  



In our computing lessons this term we will be developing our understanding of programming using Scratch. We will then use our knowledge of writing programs and using selection to control outcomes to design a quiz in response to a given task and implement it as a program.  



In our music lessons we shall be looking at the song The Fresh Prince of Bel Air and songs from the same genre of music. From this we will be creating our own versions of the song.  



This term we will be completing an exciting DT project. We will be designing, making and evaluating a mechanical system!  



This term in art the subject area we are focussing on is printing. Children will use mono printing, block printing and relief to create artwork. They will be developing a range of skills and will be encouraged to use subject specific vocabulary when analysing and appreciating various pieces of art. 



In PSHE this term we will be focusing on our ‘Living in the Wider World’ topic. We will be learning about finances and the importance of looking after money. We will also be thinking about our own rights and responsibilities.  



This term in RE we will be learning about Rites of Passage. We will be looking at life stages and birth rites of passage, as well as wedding ceremonies in different religions.  



In French we will be learning how to recognise and pronounce the names of food items. We will read aloud sentences from the story La chenille qui fait des trous [the very hungry caterpillar] and build sentences following a known pattern from the story. We will revisit the sentence structures j’aime and je n’aime pas to express which food items we like and dislike. We will then use a range of vocabulary relating to a café scene, including je voudrais to order food, to act out an exchange in a café. 



Wednesday and Friday  

This term our PE units are rounders and athletics.  

Children should have their full kit and trainers in school for these lessons and all jewellery (including earrings and watches) should be removed prior to the lesson.  

5CR will continue their swimming lessons on a Wednesday afternoon.  










Spelling homework set on Ed-Shed


Weekly Sentence Types set





*Reading (20mins)

Mymaths homework set 










*Reading (20mins)













*Reading (20mins)













*Reading (20mins)













*Reading (20mins)

In addition to this TimesTables Rockstars should be completed at home.

Tic-Tac-Toe grids are available on the website for children to complete voluntarily.


*When an entry in the reading record has been completed, children should submit their Reading Record to the class teacher.


