PE Vision at Thomas Harding

Our PE Intent
At Thomas Harding our curriculum is designed to inspire all children to succeed and excel in PE, sports and physical activity by building on skills already taught at Key Stage 1. The curriculum allows for all pupils to have opportunity to become physically confident, developing self-esteem and self-belief while gaining a deeper understanding of ways to support their health and fitness including their emotional and mental health.
The curriculum is sequenced to allow children to build on skills and apply skills across a range of sports. The children are able to apply and develop a broad range of skills and learn how to apply them in different scenarios and related sports. All children have the opportunity through the sequenced programs to learn how to communicate, collaborate and compete with others. Ensuring all children have access to a range of sports that they may not have access to outside of school, building the cultural capital of all children. Every child having the opportunity to visit different environments for outdoor adventure activities. Every child will attend swimming lessons and be able to swim 25m with steps taken to support those who cannot. Children will develop greater understanding of strategies, tactics and rules for sports through the curriculum, with exploration of transferable skills, knowledge and understanding. They will take on different roles (umpire, coach etc) with the opportunity for sports leadership achieving thinking and decision-making skills.
Through the developing skills all children will grow an understanding of how to improve their performance and how to evaluate and recognise success but also the learning opportunities presented by failure. Developing the growth mindset through sport and PE for all children so that they have the resilience for the wider world by the time they leave Thomas Harding. Built into the curriculum are aspirational role models within sport to raise expectations of all children to have self-belief and self-efficacy.
There are opportunities built into the curriculum for the children to compete in sport and represent the school in line with our ASPIRE values. Activities are included to build and develop character for all children and help embed the values of fair play, respect and equality. Children are encouraged to join local clubs with clear sign-posting to routes into clubs.
The curriculum at Thomas Harding should ensure that all children leave Thomas Harding with a love of PE, sports and physical activity as well as being independent and effective learners. At secondary school they will engage in opportunities, clubs and teams. They will be able to choose GCSE PE, Sports Leadership and have active, healthy lifestyles.
- Children participate in high-quality PE lessons twice a week covering two different sports/activities per term.
- Teachers use, and adapt, Complete PE and resources to ensure lessons across years show progression.
- Classes follow the PE overview to ensure pupils participate in a variety of sports, giving all children access to a range of sports and physical activities.
- Children are given wider opportunities to build character and embed values through regular teamwork activities, inter house events, sports festivals and Sports Day.
- Children participate in a variety of competitive sports as part of the School Sports Partnership. Each year group to attend at least 2 activities throughout the academic year.
- When in Year 5 all children will attend swimming lessons.
- Sports Premium Funding is used to increase physical competency of staff and children and also provides staff with resources and high-quality equipment.
- We provide children with opportunities to participate in extra-curricular activities that are inclusive, enjoyable and increase children’s physical activity.
- Children are provided with their full entitlement to Physical Education and teachers ensure that no interventions take place during this time.
- The school will hold first ‘Healthy Living Week’ to educate and promote a healthy lifestyle and physical activity. Children engage in different workshops, activities and sports, and the week culminates with our whole-school Sports day.
- Regular action plans, governor reports and pupil voice continue to monitor and improve Physical Education.
Physical Activity
- Less active children are highlighted and encouraged to live a more active lifestyle. Afterschool clubs provided/wider range of sporting activities.
- Staff implement regular activity each day through active breaks and use of Go Noodle/BBC Super Movers
- Skip2bfit activity once a week with all children being given their own skipping rope in which to use at breaktimes.