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Thomas Harding Junior School

Achievement Through Aspiration

Jane Savory- Parent Governor

I am delighted to be joining the team as a new parent governor for Thomas Harding. I have a daughter in Year 3 and have spent most of my career working in higher education and non-governmental organisations, with a focus on executive operations, project management and events.  Following ten years working in, and back packing through, Asia, Africa, Europe and Australia I worked at SOAS, University of London, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the College of Law, and most recently in the portfolio office at the Royal College of Art.


My reason for wanting to become a Governor is because I am passionate about creating positive environments where children can learn, develop and belong. Having recently moved to Chesham I hope the skills and experiences I have can help to drive and shape the future of the school going forward.
