To ensure consistency and clarity, the outline for homework is the same for each child across the school however, the individual tasks will be in-line with the curriculum expectations for the year group that your child is in.
All homework across the school will be set on a Tuesday and due in the following Monday.
The following will be set for each child:
Writing | Reading | Maths | Spelling | Optional Extra |
What will be set: Weekly sentence work. All children will complete at least 4 sentences per week.
Where children need to complete: Art of sentence books. | What will be set: Daily reading- minimum of 20 minutes 5 times a week.
| What will be set: Task(s) on MyMaths
Where children need to complete: Online MyMaths platform.
Paper copies can be requested if needed. | What will be set: Weekly spelling lists and tasks on Spelling Shed- new
Where children need to complete: Online Spelling Shed platform.
Paper copies can be requested if needed. | What will be set: Optional Tic-Tac-Toe grid. These tasks will be related to a variety of different subjects and wellbeing topics. These are optional and the grid will change each term.
Where children need to complete: current homework books. |