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Thomas Harding Junior School

Achievement Through Aspiration


To ensure consistency and clarity, the outline for homework is the same for each child across the school however, the individual tasks will be in-line with the curriculum expectations for the year group that your child is in.


All homework across the school will be set on a Tuesday and due in the following Monday.


The following will be set for each child:





Optional Extra

What will be set: Weekly sentence work.

All children will complete at least 4 sentences per week. 


Where children need to complete: Art of sentence books.

What will be set: Daily reading- minimum of 20 minutes 5 times a week







What will be set: Task(s) on MyMaths


Where children need to complete: Online MyMaths platform.



Paper copies can be requested if needed.

What will be set: Weekly spelling lists and tasks on Spelling Shed- new


Where children need to complete: Online Spelling Shed platform.


Paper copies can be requested if needed.

What will be set: Optional Tic-Tac-Toe grid.

These tasks will be related to a variety of different subjects and wellbeing topics.

These are optional and the grid will change each term.


Where children need to complete: current homework books.

