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Thomas Harding Junior School

Achievement Through Aspiration


Science Vision.mp4

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Science Intent


Science has changed our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity. We are proud to offer a curriculum which aims to give all children a strong understanding of the world around them whilst acquiring specific skills and knowledge to help them to think scientifically, to gain an understanding of scientific processes and also an understanding of the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.

Through a sequentially structured curriculum, children are taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science. The skills and knowledge are mapped out to ensure that pupils build on secure prior knowledge, some topics being revisited for children to explore on a deeper level and embed into the long-term memory.


Lessons and topics are ambitious and designed to improve children’s cultural capital enabling them to transfer skills across subjects and into later life. Children develop their oracy and understanding/use of language through the scientific vocabulary taught and revisited in lessons. ASPIRE is rooted in our Science curriculum as children develop resilience and integrity in carrying out pupil-led investigations and explore their own scientific enquiry.


  • Implementation of Science curriculum with opportunities for cross-curricular links via STEM – with planned opportunities for children to develop their scientific enquiry through pupil-led investigations and STEM challenges. Children apply and embed scientific knowledge and skills.
  • In the Spring Term, the whole school will have a focus on Working Scientifically in more depth building on comparative and fair testing; observation over time; identifying, classifying and grouping; pattern seeking and research using secondary sources. This will be through the Spring topic as well as National Science Week and Scientist Spotlight.  
  • Science (STEM) learning evident in classrooms through vocabulary rich displays, including Working Scientifically posters which are referred to in lessons.
  • Focus on language and oracy – scientific vocabulary displayed and modelled continuously.
  • Each lesson starts with retrieval practice to recap relevant, recent learning.
  • All lessons are placed in the context of the ‘Big Picture’ of both the current unit, but also the curriculum links (both backward and forwards) that each lesson will build upon and towards.
  • Opportunities are planned carefully to develop children’s cultural and scientific capital – e.g. Science trips and school visitors.
  • Learning is memorable through use of memory hacks.
  • Learning is recalled.
  • Providing opportunities for outdoor learning
  • There is clear progression within topics throughout the school where knowledge and skills are built upon.
  • Pre-teaching which is aimed at our PP, SEND and EAL pupils to ensure children can fully take part in the lesson and understand concepts taught.
  • Misconceptions are addressed early through teacher’s marking and feedback.
  • All pupils can access lesson and all pupils are challenged for their level of ability through appropriate scaffolding and extension challenges.
  • Science activities are included in homework.



  • Children developing knowledge and skills across of a wide range of topics within science.
  • Children are able to apply their knowledge and skills to their own scientific enquiries – recognising different types of investigation, understanding possible variables, the importance of fair testing, how to collect and present results and make appropriate conclusions using their results.
  • Children have a better understanding of science in the wider world.
  • Learning has transferred to long term memory.
  • Children are able to articulate their enjoyment of Science and the cross curricular links through STEM. Lessons/trips/opportunities are memorable and inspiring.
  • Increase in children’s risk taking and resilience through own investigative work.   
  • Progression is tracked termly using Target Tracker – majority of children reaching age expected with many exceeding and working at a greater depth.
  • Science/STEM is monitored through planning scrutiny, book scrutiny, learning walks, pupil interviews.

