Maths Implementation
•Monitoring and baseline assessments shows that pupils enter the school with gaps in their fundamental and basic maths skills e.g. number bonds and times tables.
•Maths ‘rich’ classrooms in terms of language, modelled work and resources.
•High quality maths talk e.g. ‘I say, you say, we say’ so that language is modelled and children are confident and accurate users of mathematical vocabulary.
•Implementation of White Rose materials, which have been adapted and tailored to meet our pupils’ needs.
•The White Rose scheme has an emphasis on number. Therefore, a large proportion of time is spent allowing greater reinforcement of these fundamental skills. Teachers can adapt this whilst maintaining the ideal of depth.
•Training and implementation of bar modelling.
•Regular INSET, CPD and training (e.g. on CPA) to develop subject knowledge and pedagogy for teachers and LSAs.
•Pre learning which is aimed at our PP, SEND and EAL pupils to ensure that key vocabulary is taught before learning that uses that vocabulary.
•‘Problem solving classrooms’ (link to growth mindset) and the introduction of revised maths problem solving strategies.
•Regular, targeted interventions to consolidate learning and address misconceptions.
•Maths marking policy to ensure misconceptions are addressed, progression is rapid and methods are efficient.
•Clear modelling of methods and concepts are non-negotiable and this is evident in all classrooms.
•Non-negotiables in maths to ensure basic expectations are met.
•Focus on core number and calculation skills e.g. terrific times tables and number bonds.
•Rich and varied resources used in lessons, including practical activities.
•Well pitched and differentiated learning evident in classrooms.
•‘Grouping’ in Years 4, 5 and 6 has seen a positive impact on pupil well-being in maths and has allowed for greater progress to be made, especially for PP and GDS groups.
•‘Grouping’ ensures that those pupils who need longer to embed learning can work at the right pace for them without holding back more able pupils who are able to apply reasoning skills more easily.
•Regular monitoring by subject lead and maths Governor.
•Reports to LGB on the development of Maths and progress made.
•Introduction of ‘STEM’ to allow cross curricular maths opportunities to be clearer and more evident and meaningful.
•All pupils have MyMaths homework, which has advice and study skills tutorials to support learning at home and this can be easily differentiated to support all levels of learning. This is backed up with Mathletics and Times Table Rockstars, which pupils can access freely in order to further develop their mathematical skills.
•Internal moderation exercises as well as moderation with other local schools and within the Trust.
•Continued work with Elmtree to ensure progression and consistency and to close any gaps in learning.
•Work is being undertaken to ensure children achieve well in national times tables tests in 2021, including the introduction of Times Table Rockstars to embed and secure multiplication facts.