Year 3
We have two classes in Year 3.
3HW, taught by Mrs Hussain (Monday - Tuesday) and Mrs Walters (Wednesday - Friday)
3F, taught by Miss Fallan.
Our Learning Support Assistants are: Mrs Connell and Ms Watson.
Autumn Term 2024
We will start off our Maths learning working in Place Value, before moving onto Addition and Subtraction in Autumn 1. In Autumn 2 we will be working on our Multiplication and Division skills. Every Maths lesson has a focus on reasoning to build up our problem solving skills.
Twice a week we will complete a Terrific Times Tables quiz to help our quick recall of our times tables.
In Autumn 1 we will be working towards writing a non-chronological information report to inform our readers about the countries of the UK. We will be learning about the features of non-chronological reports and organising our ideas into paragraphs.
In Autumn 2 we will be working towards writing our own fictional narrative to entertain, inspired by Frog Belly Rat Bone. We will be developing our descriptive language using expanded noun phrases and incorporating speech into our narratives.
Using an exciting range of texts, we will continue to develop our love for reading. At home, children should read for a minimum of 20 minutes each day. We will also be reading our Class Novel daily.
In Autumn 1 we will be learning about the countries of the UK and how to locate Chesham within it.
In Autumn 2 we will be learning about the Stone Age.
We will be developing our scientific knowledge and investigative skills while studying the topic of Rocks. In Autumn 2 we will continue our scientific learning in Light.
We will be reviewing E-Safety and learning about Stop Motion Animation.
In Autumn 1 we will be developing our drawing skills using 2D and 3D shapes, and becoming aware of space, proportion, scale and order of drawn forms.
In Autumn 2, we will be learning about Mechanisms and working towards making our own moving character puppet.
In Autumn 1, we will learn how to introduce ourselves and count to 20 in French!
We have PE on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. On PE days, children are expected to come to school in their PE kits. PE kit is black shorts, black jogging bottoms and a white t-shirt. For footwear plain black or white trainers. This term we will be participating in Tag Rugby and Outdoor Problem Solving Activities.
We will be having weekly PSHE lessons covering the core theme of Health and Wellbeing.
We will be learning about Places of Worship and why these are important to a community.
Homework See below for the link to the homework page.
Weekly homework activities are set on:
- Spelling Shed
- MyMaths
- Times Tables Rockstars
- Art of a Sentence
Homework - Thomas Harding Junior School
Children should be reading at home for a minimum of 20 minutes each day.
Homework bags should be brought in to school everyday. Homework bags should contain: Reading Journal, Spelling Journal, Art of Sentences Book, Reading book.