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Thomas Harding Junior School

Achievement Through Aspiration

Year 3



We have two classes in Year 3.

In 3T, the children will be taught by Ms Hussain (Monday - Tuesday) and Ms Wyllie (Wednesday - Friday)

In 3OW, the children will be taught by Mrs Walters (Monday - Wednesday) and Mrs Owens (Thursday - Friday).


We will be supported in our learning by our Learning Support Assistant who is: Mrs Connell.


Summer Term 2024





This term we will be continuing our learning in Fractions, Money and Time. 

Twice a week we will complete a Terrific Times Tables quiz to help our quick recall of our times tables. There is also a big focus on reasoning which will take place every lesson to build up our skills.   



For the first half term we will be working towards writing a non-chronological non-fiction report to inform our readers about Ancient Egypt. We will be learning about the features of non-chronological reports and organising our ideas into paragraphs. 



Using an exciting range of texts, we will continue to develop our love for reading. At home, children should read for a minimum of 20 minutes each day



We will be learning about the Ancient Egyptian civilisation. In this topic we will explore the significance of the River Nile, inventions made by the Ancient Egyptians and how this civilisation came to an end. 



We will be developing our scientific knowledge and investigative skills while studying the topic Animals Including Humans in Summer 1. In Year 3 the focus of this topic is on nutrients, skeletons and muscles. In Summer 2 we will continue our scientific learning in Plants.



We will be reviewing E-Safety and learning about Programming. 



In Art we will be exploring the elements and techniques required to make our own collages.



In Summer 2, we will be working towards making our own smoothies that are both nutritious and delicious!



In Summer 2, we will be developing our French listening, speaking and reading skills as we learn to talk about things in the classroom.



We have PE on Mondays and Fridays. On PE days, children are expected to come to school in their PE kits. PE kit is black shorts, black jogging bottoms and a white t-shirt. For footwear plain black or white trainers. This term we will be participating in Rounders and Athletics.



We will be developing our debating skills and exploring topics such as communities, rights and responsibilities, 



We will be learning about Places of Worship and why these are important to a community.



Weekly homework activities are set on: See below for the link to the homework page.

  • Spelling Shed
  • MyMaths
  • Times Tables Rockstars
  • Art of a Sentence

Homework - Thomas Harding Junior School


Children should be reading at home for a minimum of 20 minutes each day.


Homework bags should be brought in to school everyday. Homework bags should contain: Reading Journal, Spelling Journal, Art of Sentences Book, Reading book.







