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Thomas Harding Junior School

Achievement Through Aspiration

Student Leadership Team

Thomas Harding Junior School

Junior Leadership Team



The members of the JLT are elected by children in their class.

What is the Junior Leadership Team?

It is a group of pupils who are elected to represent the views of all pupils and to improve our school. Each class has two representatives.

What do they do?

The Junior Leadership Team will meet with staff. They will meet twice each half term to discuss issues which are important to the children at Thomas Harding.


What qualities do they need to have?


  • They have to follow our 3 school rules and values at all times
  • They have to be good listeners
  • They have to be confident about talking in front of other people
  • They have to lead by example


What is the job of a JLT member? 


  • To go to JLT meetings and take part in discussions
  • They feedback to their class about what was discussed at the meetings
  • To take ideas and views of their peers to the JLT
  • To be involved in a range of activities across the school



JLT in action


During the Autumn Term, the JLT visited the Chiltern Food bank, giving donations brought in from our parents/carers. 


JLT organised a pyjama day to raise funds for new school play equipment.


JLT judged a ‘Thomas Harding Thank You Card’ competition. 


In the Spring term, the JLT worked alongside our Eco Warriors and planted some new trees.
